We are compiling a list of journals that offer fast track opportunities for high-quality papers from HICSS-52. They are:

HICSS — Kevin Crowston, crowston@syr.edu
* ACM Transactions on Social Computing

HICSS: Social and ethical issues related to the planning, development, implementation and use of new media and information and communication technologies — Associate Editor Jenifer Winter, jwinter@hawaii.edu
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society

HICSS — Souren Paul, souren.paul@gmail.com
* The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems 

CL: Business Intelligence and Big Data for Innovative and Sustainable Development of Organizations Minitrack — Celina Olszak, celina.olszak@ue.katowice.pl; Sandeep Goyal, sandeep.goyal@louisville.edu; Jozef Zurada, jozef.zurada@louisville.edu
* Information Systems Management Journal

CL: Negotiation, Leadership, and Technology Minitrack — Tung Bui, tungb@hawaii.edu
* Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN)

CL: Social Media and e-Business Transformation Minitrack — Christy M.K. Cheung, ccheung@hkbu.edu.hk
CL: The Sharing Economy Minitrack — Bo Sophia Xiao, boxiao@hawaii.edu
* Internet Research

DA: Data, Text and Web Mining for Business Analytics Mnitrack — Dursun Delen, dursun.delen@okstate.edu
The Journal of Business Analytics

DA: Decision Analytics, Mobile Services, and Service Science Track — Haluk Demirkan, haluk@uw.edu
* IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Special Issue on Services Computing Management for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning [CFP]

DA: Machine Learning, Robotic, and Toy Computing Minitrack — Patrick Hung,Patrick.Hung@uoit.ca
* Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Special Issue on Cloud-Connected Smart Toys [CFP]

DA: Novel Uses, Opportunities, and Challenges of Blockchain for Digital Services Minitrack — Juho Lindman, juho.lindman@ait.gu.se
* Electronic Markets

DA: Smart City Digital Twins Minitrack — John Taylor, jet@gatech.edu
* Journal of Management in Engineering (JME), Special Issue on Engineering Smarter Cities with Smart City Digital Twins

DSM: Mediated Conversation Minitrack — Sheizaf Rafaeli, sheizaf@rafaeli.net
* ACM Transaction on Social Computing

HC: Innovations in Health Equity Minitrack — Sajda Qureshi, squreshi@unomaha.edu
* Information Technology for Development Journal (ITD)

HC: Personal Health and Wellness Management with Technologies Minitrack — Freimut Bodendorf, freimut.bodendorf@fau.de
* A Special Issue in Health and Technology published by Springer

IN: Behavioral Economics in the Digital Economy: Digital Nudging and Interface Design Minitrack — Christoph Schneider, christoph.schneider@cityu.edu.hk
IN: Human-Computer Interaction in the Digital Economy Minitrack — Christoph Schneider, christoph.schneider@cityu.edu.hk
*AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction

IN: Crowd-based Platforms — Bin Gu, bin.gu@asu.edu
* Data and Information Management

IN: Innovative Behavioral IS Security and Privacy Research Minitrack — Merrill Warkentin, m.warkentin@mssstate.edu
* European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS)
* Decision Sciences Journal (DS)

KS: Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems Track — Murray Jennex, mjennex@mail.sdsu.edu
* International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM)

KS: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Minitrack – Katia Passerini, passerik@stjohns.edu; Cesar Bandera, bandera@njit.edu
* Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy (EE&P)

OS: Managing Platforms and Ecosystems Minitrack — Kaisa Still, basole@gatech.edu
* Journal of Enterprise Transformation

OS: Practice-based IS Research Minitrack — Dorothy Leidner, Bdorothy_leidner@baylor.edu
* MIS Quarterly Executive (MISQE)

OS: Strategy, Information, Technology, Economics, and Society (SITES) Minitrack — Robert Kauffman, rkauffman@smu.edu.sg
* Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS)

OS: The Transformational Impact of Blockchain Minitrack — Paulo Rupino da Cunha, rupino@dei.uc.pt
* A Special Issue on Blockchain in the Journal of Enterprise Information

ST: Cyber-Assurance for the Internet of Things, Software-Defined Networks and Fog Computing Architectures Minitrack — Tyson Brooks, ttbrooks@syr.edu
* International Journal of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance [CFP]
Extended versions of conference papers are being invited for review and potential publication.