The full conference registration fee covers your attendance at all conference sessions, symposia, workshops, tutorials, three lunches, refreshment breaks, and social events. Note that the conference does not provide breakfast and dinner.

HICSS-59 Registration Rates:

* Early Bird Registration Rate: TBD (before and on October 1)
* Regular Registration Rate: TBD (October 2 – December 1)
* Late Registration Rate: TBD (December 2 – Onsite)
* Active Full-time Students will receive a 20% discount. To receive the discount, students are required to electronically submit a letter from their institution or advisor to certify their status as an active full-time student during the registration process. Note that Active Full-time Students are those who are enrolled in the university and therefore pursuing a higher education degree.


You are welcome to bring family or friends, including children, to the conference. You can purchase a ticket for a welcome reception (Adult: $200, Child aged 5-11: $100), a closing reception (Adult: $200, Child aged 5-11: $100), or a Full Guest Pass (Adult: $680, Child aged 5-11: $340) at any time including onsite at the conference through HICSS Online Registration System. Please however note that tickets are available based on a first come first served basis.

Note that:

  • A Full Guest Pass covers 3 lunches, access to commons area with refreshment breaks, admission to all keynote addresses as well as social events.
  • A Full Guest Pass does not provide admission to any conference sessions.

Hotel Reservation:

Shortly after registering for the conference and making the payment for the registration fee, you will receive a registration confirmation email with a link to access hotel reservation system dedicated for HICSS. It will allow you to book your accommodation with the conference hotel at our special conference rates. These rates will only be allowed for registered conference participants and their guests.

Contact HICSS Office at if you do not receive the registration confirmation email within a day or so.

Please note:

  • At least one author of each accepted paper must register to attend the conference by October 1 in order secure publication in the Conference Proceedings.
  • Conference registration is not assured until full payment arrangements are made.

Method of Payment:

  • Through the online registration system, we accept the online payments via Visa, Mastercard, JB, and Discover credit cards.
  • We also accept payment via bank transfer. Please contact for information required to complete the transaction.
  • You may pay by check for amount due at the time of registration.
    • To be eligible for the early bird registration rate, check must be mailed (postmarked) to us no later than October 1.
    • To be eligible for the regular registration rate, check must be mailed (postmarked) to us no later than December 1.

Make the check payable to: University of Hawaii
Mail the check to:
HICSS Conference Office
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2404 Maile Way, D307
Honolulu, HI 96822

Conference Registration Cancellation and Refund Policy:

  • All cancellation requests must be in writing to
  • Your registration fee will be refunded in full until November 15.
  • From November 16 – December 1, we will deduct a $150 administrative fee from the amount paid.
  • No refunds will be made after December 1.
  • If registration is cancelled, your paper will not be published in the Conference Proceedings.
  • Hotel cancellations must be made directly with the hotel.