With guidance from Track Chairs, Minitrack Chairs oversee minitracks within the 11 tracks at each HICSS conference. Minitracks are organized in three full days of parallel paper presentation sessions. Each session may have up to 4 papers.

Minitrack Chairs’ Responsibilities

Minitrack proposals are selected based on individual track’s strategy. If your minitrack is chosen for the upcoming conference, your responsibilities include:

  • Mid February – Early June: Advertise your minitrack to solicit manuscripts.
  • Mid February – Early June: Recruit reviewers.
  • June 15: Paper Submission Deadline (11:59 pm HST)
  • June 18 – 30: Review manuscripts
    * Make sure that each paper conforms to the HICSS format (i.e., double-column, single spaced, no more than 10 pages including references, tables, etc.) and author information is omitted
    * Determine if papers should be transferred to another minitrack
    * Identify papers that should be DESK REJECTED
    * June 30:
    For papers that should be DESK REJECTED, communicate with track chairs via email to seek approval.
    * No later than July 10: (Minitrack Chair – Primary Contact) Notify authors of desk-rejected papers by email.
  • June 18 – 30: Assign each manuscript to qualified people who are actively working in the topics dealt with in the paper
  • July 7 – 30: (Minitrack Chair – Primary Contact) Monitor the progress of the reviews and prompt reviewers who are late
  • August 1: (Minitrack Chair – Primary Contact) Make sure that reviewers enter their reviews into HICSS paper submission/review system. Each manuscript must receive at least 3 reviews.
  • August 2 – 12: (Minitrack Chair – Primary Contact) Summarize reviews from reviewers and provide constructive feedback to authors
  • August 2 – 12: Identify papers that should be accepted without modification (A), accepted with mandatory changes (AM), and rejected (R)
  • August 17: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection to be sent (by HICSS) to authors
  • September 4: Deadline for A-M Authors to Submit Revised Manuscript for Review
  • September 4 – 8: Review final submission of revised papers and make recommendations on whether or not they should be accepted
  • September 11: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection for A-M papers to be sent (by HICSS) to authors
  • September 22: Deadline for authors to submit final manuscript for publication
  • October 1: Deadline for at least one author of each paper to register for the conference
  • October 11: (Minitrack Chair – Primary Contact) Provide presentation order of accepted papers and identify final manuscripts that do not follow HICSS formatting Guideline and significantly change in scope
  • October 22: (Minitrack Chair – Primary Contact) Nominate the paper in your minitrack for the Best Paper Awards. Minitrack Chairs cannot nominate their own paper or their co-chairs’ paper for the best paper award.
  • October 22: (Minitrack Chair – Primary Contact) Provide an introduction to your minitrack. The introduction must be formatted according to the HICSS publication format. It should not be merely an overview of abstracts of papers in your minitrack, but should introduce the reader to the research scope and importance.
  • First day of the conference: Attend the pre-paper session meetings with your Track Chair(s) and authors in your minitrack
  • During the conference: Oversee and manage your minitrack presentations
  • After the conference: Provide a report to the conference office (on attendance, feedback, etc.)

Minitrack Chairs are encouraged to work with an Editor-in-Chief of a professional society periodical to use your accepted papers as the basis of a special issue of the publication. Such an arrangement encourages quality submission and requires good refereeing standards. Enter into such agreements as soon as possible.

Papers Submitted by Minitrack Chairs

Minitrack Chairs may submit papers for consideration at HICSS. If Minitrack Chairs submit a paper to their own minitrack, Track Chairs will manage the review process for their papers. Papers authored by minitrack chairs in this process are limited to (1) for a half-day minitrack, and (2) for a full-day minitrack.

Dear Minitrack Chairs,

Welcome to the community of scholars who are actively pushing the envelope of research in system sciences that encompasses a wide range of theoretical and applied disciplines related to information technologies and systems. Minitrack chairs at HICSS have been known to initiate and publish cutting-edge research in their areas of expertise over the last 50 years. We invite you to sustain this effort by joining HICSS – Where ideas meet and science speaks.

Looking forward to your valuable contributions.

Conference Chair

HICSS-59 Minitrack Chairs

Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies
Olga Scrivner | Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and Indiana University | obscrivn@iu.edu
Andy Nguyen | University of Oulu | andy.nguyen@oulu.fi
Maarten de Laat | University of South Australia | Maarten.DeLaat@unisa.edu.au
James Scrivner | Butler University | jscrivner@butler.edu

AI and Creative Process
Lindsay Grace | University of Miami | ProfessorGrace@ProfessorGrace.com
Hartmut Koenitz | Södertörn University, University of Amsterdam, Trinity College Dublin | hartmut.koenitz@sh.se
Peter Jamieson | Miami University | jamiespa@miamioh.edu

AI and the Future of Work
Triparna De Vreede | University of South Florida | tdevreede@usf.edu
Dominik Siemon | LUT University | Dominik.Siemon@lut.fi
Xusen Cheng | Renmin University of China | xusen.cheng@ruc.edu.cn
Vivek Kumar Singh | University of Missouri–St. Louis | vsingh@umsl.edu

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for Innovative, Collaborative and Sustainable Development of Organizations
Celina Olszak | University of Economics in Katowice | celina.olszak@ue.katowice.pl
Jozef Zurada | University of Louisville | jozef.zurada@louisville.edu
Jan Kozak | University of Economics in Katowice | jan.kozak@ue.katowice.pl
Zara Hatami | University of Louisville | zara.hatami@louisville.edu

Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality: A Paradigm for Immersive and Collaborative Computing
Chris Kreider | Christopher Newport University | chris.kreider@cnu.edu
Omar El-Gayar | Dakota State University | omar.el-gayar@dsu.edu

Bridging Minds and Machines: Human and Computer Collaboration for Creative Problem Solving and Business Innovation
Christy MK Cheung | Hong Kong Baptist University | ccheung@hkbu.edu.hk
Marten Risius | University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm | marten.risius@hnu.de
Christian Wagner | City University of Hong Kong | c.wagner@cityu.edu.hk
Matthew Lee | City University of Hong Kong | cbmatlee@cityu.edu.hk

Collaboration in Online Communities: Information Processing and Decision Making
Kelly Fadel | Utah State University | kelly.fadel@usu.edu
Thomas Meservy | Brigham Young University | tmeservy@byu.edu
Matthew Jensen | University of Oklahoma | mjensen@ou.edu

Collaboration with Intelligent Systems: Machines as Teammates
Joel Elson | University of Nebraska at Omaha | jselson@unomaha.edu
Isabella Seeber | Grenoble Ecole de Management | isabella.seeber@grenoble-em.com
Ryan Mullins | Google DeepMind | ryanmullins@google.com
Viviana Oberhofer | University of Innsbruck | viviana.oberhofer@uibk.ac.at

Cybersecurity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, AI for Cybersecurity, and Cybersecurity for AI
Mark Patton | University of Arizona | mpatton@arizona.edu
Sagar Samtani | University of Indiana | ssamtani@iu.edu
Hongyi Zhu | University of Texas at San Antonio | hongyi.zhu@utsa.edu
Hsinchun Chen | University of Arizona | hsinchun@arizona.edu

Design, Development, and Evaluation of Next-Generation Collaboration Technologies
Edona Elshan | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | e.elshan@vu.nl
Eva Bittner | University of Hamburg | eva.bittner@uni-hamburg.de
Sarah Oeste-Reiss | Kiel University | sor@informatik.uni-kiel.de
Philipp Ebel | University of St.Gallen | philipp.ebel@unisg.ch

Digital Co-Innovation with AI and Cross-Organizational IS/IT Collaboration
Ilsang Ko | Chonnam National University | isko@chonnam.ac.kr
Daniel Beimborn | University of Bamberg | daniel.beimborn@uni-bamberg.de

Emerging Technology in Collaboration and Cocreation
Melissa Akaka | University of Denver | melissa.akaka@du.edu
Hope Schau | University of California Irvine | schauh@uci.edu
John Sebesta | University of Denver | john.sebesta@du.edu
Stephen Vargo | University of Oklahoma | sv@ou.edu

Human-AI Collaborations and Ethical Issues
Dan Kim | University of North Texas | dan.kim@unt.edu
Victoria Yoon | Virginia Commonwealth University | vyyoon@vcu.edu
Xunyu Chen | Virginia Commonwealth University | chenx@vcu.edu
Babak Abedin | Macquarie University | babak.abedin@mq.edu.au

Human-Robot Interaction and Collaboration
Connor Esterwood | Wayne State University | cte@umich.edu
Lionel Robert | University of Michigan | lprobert@umich.edu
Filippo Sanfilippo | University of Agder | Filippo.Sanfilippo@uia.no
Sangseok You | Sungkyunkwan University | sangyou@skku.edu

Impacts and Challenges in Engaging AI and Digital Humans: Human-Technology Collaboration
Joonghee Lee | Appalachian state university | leej12@appstate.edu
One-Ki Daniel Lee | Virginia Commonwealth University | leeo@vcu.edu
Soo Il Shin | Kennesaw State University | sshin12@kennesaw.edu
Jin Sik Kim | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga | jinsik-kim@utc.edu

IT Enabled Collaboration for Development
Xusen Cheng | Renmin University of China | xusen.cheng@ruc.edu.cn
Xiangbin Yan | Guangdong University of Foreign Studies | xbyan@ustb.edu.cn
Weiguo Fan | University of Iowa | weiguo-fan@uiowa.edu

Persuasive Technology and Artificial Intelligence
Sofia Schöbel | University of Osnabrück | sofia.schoebel@uni-osnabrueck.de
Dennis Benner | University of Kassel | benner@uni-kassel.de
Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah | Singapore Management University | fionanah@smu.edu.sg
Kai Lim | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | kai.lim@polyu.edu.hk

Responsible AI Governance for Connected Intelligence
Bo Sophia Xiao | University of Hawaii at Manoa | boxiao@hawaii.edu
Kaveh Abhari | San Diego State University | kbhari@sdsu.edu
Jenifer Sunrise Winter | University of Hawaii at Manoa | jwinter@hawaii.edu
Chee-Wee Tan | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | chee-wee.tan@polyu.edu.hk

Technological Advancements in Digital Collaboration with Generative AI and Large Language Models
Jie Tao | Fairfield University | jtao@fairfield.edu
Lina Zhou | University of North Carolina at Charlotte | lzhou8@charlotte.edu
Philip Maymin | Fairfield University | pmaymin@fairfield.edu

Virtual Collaboration, Organizations, and Networks
Emma Nordbäck | Hanken Scool of Economics | emma.nordback@hanken.fi
Kirsimarja Blomqvist | LUT University | kirsimarja.blomqvist@lut.fi
Assia Lasfer | Université Laval | assia.lasfer@fsa.ulaval.ca
Riitta Hekkala | Aalto University | riitta.hekkala@aalto.fi

Adaptive AI and Decision Intelligence for Sustainable Systems and Green IS
Omar El-Gayar | Dakota State University | omar.el-gayar@dsu.edu
Abdullah Wahbeh | Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania | abdullah.wahbeh@sru.edu

Advancing the Twin Transition: Digital Technologies in Sustainable Service Ecosystems and the Circular Economy
Christian Koldewey | Advanced Systems Engineering, Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn University and Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronics Systems Design IEM | christian.koldewey@hni.upb.de
Martin Ebel | Center for the Engineering of Smart Product Service Systems, Ruhr-Universität Bochum | martin.ebel@isse.rub.de
Johannes Winter | L3S Research Center, University of Hannover and acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering | winter@L3S.de
Muztoba Ahmad Khan | Carroll University | mkhan@carrollu.edu

Age and Generational Aspects in Technology Acceptance and Use
Anna Sell | Linnaeus University | anna.sell@lnu.se
Markus Makkonen | Tampere University | markus.makkonen@tuni.fi
Pirkko Walden | Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research and Åbo Akademi University | pirkko.walden@abo.fi
Tomi Dahlberg | University of Turku | tomi.dahlberg@utu.fi

AI Safety, Cybersecurity, and Inclusion through Text Analytics
Derrick Cogburn | American University | dcogburn@american.edu
Haiman Wong | Purdue University – West Lafayette | wong424@purdue.edu
Tahir Ekin | Texas State University | tahirekin@txstate.edu

AI System Evaluation
Robert Steele | Quantic School of Business and Technology | rsteele@quantic.edu
Radmila Juric | ALMAIS Consultancy | radjur3@gmail.com
Julia Rayz | Purdue University | jtaylor1@purdue.edu

AI, Platforms, and Ecosystems in Digital Services
Arto Ojala | University of Vaasa | arto.ojala@uwasa.fi
Sara Fraccastoro | University of Eastern Finland | sara.fraccastoro@uef.fi
Mika Gabrielsson | Hanken School of Economics | mika.gabrielsson@hanken.fi

Artificial Intelligence-powered Devices and Sensors
Elisabetta Ronchieri | INFN CNAF | elisabetta.ronchieri@cnaf.infn.it
Daniele Cesini | INFN CNAF | daniele.cesini@cnaf.infn.it
Luca dell’Agnello | INFN CNAF | luca.dellagnello@cnaf.infn.it

Big Data and Analytics: Evolutionary Analytics
Stephen Kaisler | SHK & Associates | skaisler1@comcast.net
Frank Armour | American University | fjarmou@gmail.com
William Money | The Citadel | wmoney@citadel.edu

Computational Consciousness and Awareness
Stephen Kaisler | SHK & Associates | skaisler1@comcast.net
Brittany Davidson | University of Bath | bid23@bath.ac.uk
Abzatdin Adamov | ADA University | aadamov@ada.edu.az

Cyber Deception and Cyberpsychology for Defense
Perry Sherouse | IARPA | perry.sherouse@iarpa.gov
Kimberly Ferguson-Walter | IARPA | kimberly.ferguson-walter@iarpa.gov
Paul Yu | DEVCOM Army Research Lab | paul.l.yu.civ@army.mil
Ryan Gabrys | Naval Information Warfare Center | ryan.c.gabrys.civ@us.navy.mil

Data Science and Machine Learning to Support Business Decisions
Dursun Delen | Oklahoma State University | dursun.delen@okstate.edu
Behrooz Davazdahemami | University of Wisconsin – Whitewater | davazdab@uww.edu
Hamed Zolbanin | University of Dayton | hzolbanin1@udayton.edu

Digital Service Design, Innovation and Management
Tuure Tuunanen | University of Jyväskylä | tuure@tuunanen.fi
Jan Marco Leimeister | University of St.Gallen | janmarco.leimeister@unisg.ch
Suvi Nenonen | Stockholm School of Economics | suvi.nenonen@hhs.se
Tilo Böhmann | Universität Hamburg | tilo.boehmann@uni-hamburg.de

Digitization of the Individual – Personal Decision Analytics
Claris Chung | University of Canterbury | claris.chung@canterbury.ac.nz
Yvonne Hong | Victoria University of Wellington | yvonne.hong@vuw.ac.nz
Ghazwan Hassna | Hawaii Pacific University | ghassna@hpu.edu
David Sundaram | University of Auckland | d.sundaram@auckland.ac.nz

Explainable and Responsible AI in Gamification
Abhishek Behl | Keele University | a.behl@keele.ac.uk
Connie Barber | University of Arkansas at Little Rock | csbarber@ualr.edu
Marc Schmalz | Boise State University | marcschmalz@boisestate.edu

Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Maximilian Förster | University of Ulm | maximilian.foerster@uni-ulm.de
Babak Abedin | Macquarie University | Babak.Abedin@mq.edu.au
Florian Brachten | Ruhr University Bochum | florian.brachten@rub.de
Elisa Gagnon | Bishop’s University | egagnon@ubishops.ca

Game-Changing Analytics in Sports
Scott Nestler | University of Florida | nestler.scott@ufl.edu
Yonghwan Chang | University of Florida | yhchang@ufl.edu
Jonathan A. Jensen | Texas A&M University | jajensen@tamu.edu
Brian Macdonald | Yale University | brian.macdonald@yale.edu

Juho Hamari | Tampere University | juho.hamari@tuni.fi
Nannan Xi | Tampere University | nannan.xi@tuni.fi
Benedikt Morschheuser | Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg | benedikt.morschheuser@fau.de

GeoArtificial Intelligence (GeoAI), Location Analytics, and GIS in the System Sciences
Avijit Sarkar | University of Redlands | avijit_sarkar@redlands.edu
James Pick | University of Redlands | james_pick@redlands.edu
Joseph Aversa | Toronto Metropolitan University | javersa@torontomu.ca
Namchul Shin | Pace University | nshin@pace.edu

Human Roles and Skills in AI-based Services
Tapani Rinta-Kahila | University of Queensland | t.rintakahila@uq.edu.au
Juho Lindman | University of Gothenburg | juho.lindman@ait.gu.se
Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen | Aalto University | virpi.tuunainen@aalto.fi

Information Systems Research Methodology for the 2030’es
Christer Carlsson | Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research, Abo Akademi University | christer.carlsson@abo.fi
Kalle Lyytinen | Case Western Reserve University | kjl13@case.edu
Yong Liu | Aalto University | yong.liu@aalto.fi
Jozsef Mezei | Abo Akademi University | jozsef.mezei@abo.fi

Interactive Visual Analytics for AI, Knowledge Integration, and Decision Intelligence
David Ebert | University of Oklahoma | ebert@ou.edu
Kelly Gaither | University of Texas | kelly@tacc.utexas.edu
Brian Fisher | Simon Fraser University | bfisher@sfu.ca

Leveraging Financial Data with Big Data Tools or Generative AI
Tim Olsen | Gonzaga University | olsent@gonzaga.edu
Joseph Johnston | Illinois State University | jajohn6@ilstu.edu

Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models Supporting Data Analytics for System Sciences
Torrey Wagner | Air Force Institute of Technology | tjw.1808@gmail.com
Winston Wu | University of Hawaii – Hilo | wswu@hawaii.edu
Neil Ranly | Air Force Institute of Technology | neil.ranly@afit.edu
Brent Langhals | Air Force Institute of Technology | brent.langhals.1@us.af.mil

Networks, Digital Twins, and AI
Neda Mohammadi | University of Sydney | neda.mohammadi@sydney.edu.au
John Taylor | Georgia Tech | jet@gatech.edu

Practitioner Research Insights: Applications of Science and Technology to Real-World Innovations
Tayfun Keskin | University of Washington | keskin@uw.edu
Terri Griffith | Simon Fraser University | t@terrigriffith.com
David Ing | Creative Systemic Research Platform Institute | coevolving@gmail.com
Maggie Qian | Dell Technologies | maggiemq.ux@gmail.com

Simulation Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, and Digital Twins for Decision Making in Production and Logistics
Steffen Strassburger | Technische Universität Ilmenau | steffen.strassburger@tu-ilmenau.de
Tobias Reggelin | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg | tobias.reggelin@ovgu.de
Stefan Galka | Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg | stefan.galka@oth-regensburg.de
Sebastian Lang | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg | sebastian.lang@ovgu.de

Social Robots – Robotics and Toy Computing
Patrick Hung | Ontario Tech University | patrick.hung@ontariotechu.ca
Shih-Chia Huang | National Taipei University of Technology | schuang@ntut.edu.tw
Sarajane Marques Peres | University of São Paulo | sarajane@usp.br

Soft Computing: Theory Innovations and Problem-Solving Benefits
Enrique Herrera-Viedma | University of Granada | viedma@decsai.ugr.es
Francisco Javier Cabrerizo | University of Granada | cabrerizo@decsai.ugr.es
Ignacio Javier Pérez | University of Granada | ijperez@decsai.ugr.es

Technology and Economics in AI-assisted Markets
Gene Moo Lee | University of British Columbia | gene.lee@sauder.ubc.ca
Sang-Pil Han | Arizona State University | shan73@asu.edu
Huaxia Rui | University of Rochester | huaxia.rui@simon.rochester.edu

Transformative Service Systems for a Sustainable World
Paul Maglio | University of California, Merced | pmaglio@ucmerced.edu
Furen Lin | National Tsing Hua University | frlin@iss.nthu.edu.tw
Nila Windasari | Institut Teknologi Bandung | nila.armelia@sbm-itb.ac.id

Adversarial Influences: Erosion of Societal Norms and Institutions from Influences in Digital and social Media
Zena Wood | University of Exeter | z.m.wood2@exeter.ac.uk
Raul Harnasch | MIT Lincoln Laboratory | Raul.Harnasch@ll.mit.edu
Timothy Davison | Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory | timothy.davison@jhuapl.edu
Kimberly Glasgow | Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory | Kimberly.Glasgow@jhuapl.edu

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Analytics for Social Media
David Yates | Bentley University | dyates@bentley.edu
Kevin Mentzer | Nichols College | kevin.mentzer@nichols.edu
Natalie Gerhart | Creighton University | nataliegerhart@creighton.edu

Communication, Digital Conversation, and Media Technologies
Seth Lewis | University of Oregon | sclewis@uoregon.edu
Yoram Kalman | Open University of Israel | yoramka@openu.ac.il
Gina Masullo | University of Texas at Austin | gina.masullo@austin.utexas.edu

Culture, Identity, and Inclusion
Nanette Levinson | American University | nlevins@american.edu
Derrick Cogburn | American University | dcogburn@american.edu
Filippo Trevisan | American University | trevisan@american.edu

Decision Making Bias and Misinformation in Online Social Networks
Gabrielle Peko | University of Auckland | g.peko@auckland.ac.nz
Khushbu Tilvawala | University of Auckland | k.tilvawala@auckland.ac.nz
Ghazwan Hassna | Hawaii Pacific University | ghassna@hpu.edu
Valeria Sadovykh | University of Auckland | valeriasadovykh@gmail.com

Digital and Social Media in Enterprise
Wenqi Shen | Virginia Tech | shenw@vt.edu
Yen-Yao Wang | Auburn University | yenyao@auburn.edu
Ester Gonzalez | California State University, Fullerton | esgonzalez@fullerton.edu

Games and Gaming
Nathaniel Poor | Underwood Institute | natpoor@gmail.com
Stephanie Orme | Key Lime Interactive | orme.stephanie@gmail.com
Andrew Phelps | American University | andymphelps@gmail.com

Generative AI and AI-generated Contents on Social Media
Yichuan Wang | University of Sheffield | yichuan.wang@sheffield.ac.uk
Yiran Su | University of Massachusetts Amherst | yiransu@umass.edu

Metaverse, Mixed Reality, and Digital Me
Jani Holopainen | University of Eastern Finland | jani.holopainen@uef.fi
Petri Parvinen | University of Helsinki | petri.parvinen@helsinki.fi
Essi Pöyry | Consumer Society Research Center, University of Helsinki | essi.poyry@helsinki.fi

Netnography in System Sciences Research
Robert Kozinets | University of Southern California | rkozinets@usc.edu
Ulrike Gretzel | University of Southern California | ugretzel@gmail.com
Tung Bui | University of Hawaii at Manoa | tungb@hawaii.edu

Resilient Digital Communities: Social Media, Crisis Response, and Collective Action
Zeeshan Bhatti | University of Portsmouth | zeeshan.bhatti@port.ac.uk
Tahir Abbas Syed | University of Manchester | tahirabbas.syed@manchester.ac.uk
Hina Mahboob Yasin | University of Portsmouth | hina.yasin@port.ac.uk
Sarah Clifft | Catholic University of Lyon | sclifft@univ-catholyon.fr

Social Media Influencers and Influencing
Samira Farivar | Carleton University | samira.farivar@carleton.ca
Fang Wang | Wilfrid Laurier University | fwang@wlu.ca

AI in Government
Laura Hand | University of North Dakota | laura.hand@und.edu
Lemuria Carter | University of Sydney | lemuria.carter@sydney.edu.au
Dapeng Liu | Baylor University | dapeng_liu@baylor.edu

Cybersecurity and Privacy in Government
Philip Menard | University of Texas at San Antonio | philip.menard@utsa.edu
Keith Harrison | University of Texas at San Antonio | keith.harrison@utsa.edu
Greta Nasi | Bocconi University | greta.nasi@unibocconi.it

Design, Implementation, and Management of Digital Government Policies and Strategies
Kristina Lemmer | City University of Applied Sciences Bremen | kristina.lemmer@hs-bremen.de
Antonio Cordella | London School of Economics and Political Sciences | a.cordella@lse.ac.uk
Francesco Gualdi | Regent’s University London | francesco.gualdi@regents.ac.uk

Disaster Information, Resilience, for Emergency and Crisis Technologies
Terje Gjøsæter | University of Agder | terje.gjosater@uia.no
Elsa Negre | Paris-Dauphine University | elsa.negre@dauphine.fr
Jaziar Radianti | University of Agder | jaziar.radianti@uia.no

e-Democracy, e-Participation and e-Voting
Uwe Serdült | Ritsumeikan University and University of Zurich | serdult@fc.ritsumei.ac.jp
David Duenas-Cid | Kozminski University | dduenas@kozminski.edu.pl
Anthony Simonofski | University of Namur | anthony.simonofski@unamur.be

Emerging Topics in Digital Government
J. Ramon Gil-Garcia | University at Albany, State University of New York | jgil-garcia@albany.edu
Maria A. Wimmer | University Koblenz | wimmer@uni-koblenz.de
Andriana Prentza | University of Piraeus | aprentza@unipi.gr

International and Comparative Digital Government Studies
Tomasz Janowski | Gdańsk University of Technology | tomasz.janowski@pg.edu.pl
Elsa Estevez | National University of the South | ecestevez@gmail.com
Beth Noveck | Northeastern University | noveck@thegovlab.org
Adegboyega Ojo | Carleton University, Canada | adegboyega.ojo@carleton.ca

Narrowing the Digital Divide: Creating Opportunities and Addressing Barriers
Elizabeth Vitullo | West Virginia University | eavitullo@mail.wvu.edu
Stephen Thorpe | Auckland University of Technology | stephen.thorpe@aut.ac.nz
Anna Domaradzka | University of Warsaw | anna.domaradzka@uw.edu.pl

Smart and Connected Cities and Communities
Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar | University of Granada | manuelp@ugr.es
Gabriela Viale Pereira | University for Continuing Education Krems | gabriela.viale-pereira@donau-uni.ac.at
Erico Przeybilovicz | Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, State University of New York | eprzeybilovicz@albany.edu

Theory and Methods in Digital Government
Elin Wihlborg | Linkoping University | elin.wihlborg@liu.se
Antonio Cordella | London School of Economics and Political Sciences | a.cordella@lse.ac.uk
Magdalena Roszczyńska-Kurasińska | University of Warsaw | m.roszczynska@uw.edu.pl

Distributed, Renewable, and Mobile Resources
Seth Blumsack | Pennsylvania State University | sethb@psu.edu
Judy Cardell | Smith College | jcardell@smith.edu

Monitoring, Control, and Protection
Jim Follum | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | james.follum@pnnl.gov
Mani Venkatasubramanian | Washington State University | mani@wsu.edu

Policy, Markets, and Analytics
Shmuel Oren | University of California at Berkeley | oren@ieor.berkeley.edu
Masood Parvania | University of Utah | masood.parvania@utah.edu

Resilient Networks
Kate Davis | Texas A&M University | katedavis@tamu.edu
David Newman | University of Alaska-Fairbanks | denewman@alaska.edu

Body Sensor Networks and AI to Advance Personalized and Population Healthcare
Charlotte Goldfine | Brigham and Women’s Hospital | cgoldfine@bwh.harvard.edu
Jasper Lee | Massachusetts General Hospital | JLEE333@mgh.harvard.edu
Rachel Davis-Martin | UMass Chan Medical School | Rachel.Davis-Martin@umassmed.edu

Decision Support for Healthcare Processes and Services
Melanie Reuter-Oppermann | Maastricht University | melanie.reuter-oppermann@dgre.org
Cameron Walker | University of Auckland | cameron.walker@auckland.ac.nz
Nikolaus Furian | Graz University of Technology | nikolaus.furian@tugraz.at

Digital Health Ecosystem Governance: Practices, Processes, and Policies
Till J. Winkler | University of Hagen | till.winkler@fernuni-hagen.de
Elizabeth J. Davidson | University of Hawaii at Manoa | edavidso@hawaii.edu
Monica Chiarini Tremblay | William & Mary | monica.tremblay@mason.wm.edu
Juhee Kwon | City University of Hong Kong | juhee.kwon@cityu.edu.hk

Digital Innovations for Inclusive Health and Well-Being
Karoly Bozan | Duquesne University | bozank@duq.edu
Heiko Gewald | Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences | heiko.gewald@hnu.de

Health Behavior Change Support Systems
Elena Vlahu-Gjorgievska | University of Wollongong | elenavg@uow.edu.au
Sriram Iyengar | University of Arizona | msiyengar@arizona.edu
Khin Than Win | University of Wollongong | win@uow.edu.au
Harri Oinas-Kukkonen | University of Oulu | harri.oinas-kukkonen@oulu.fi

Human-Centered Approaches to Medical Wearable Devices for Population Health
Carmen Quatman | Ohio State University | carmen.quatman@osumc.edu
Ryan Karl | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | rmkarl@sei.cmu.edu

IT Adoption, Diffusion, and Evaluation in Healthcare
Karoly Bozan | Duquesne University | bozank@duq.edu
Arnold Kamis | Brandeis University | akamis@brandeis.edu
Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | manuel.schmidt-kraepelin@kit.edu
Scott Thiebes | Technical University of Munich | scott.thiebes@tum.de

Personalized Health Assistance with Intelligent Digital Solutions
Freimut Bodendorf | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | freimut.bodendorf@fau.de
Nilmini Wickramasinghe | La Trobe University | n.wickramasinghe@latrobe.edu.au
Elliot Sloane | Villanova University | elliot.sloane@villanova.edu
Pavlina Kroeckel | Community Hospital Nuremberg and University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | pavlina.kroeckel@fau.de

Self-management of Chronic Diseases and Conditions
Kourosh Dadgar | University of San Francisco | kdadgar@usfca.edu
Zuan Sun | Whitworth University | zsun@whitworth.edu

Socia Media and Healthcare Technology
Beth Bock | Alpert Medical School, Brown University | Beth_Bock@Brown.edu
Jordan Braciszewski | Henry Ford Health | jbracis1@hfhs.org
Anna Young | Michigan State University | argyris@msu.edu

Synthetic Data for AI Advancements in Healthcare
Siavash H. Khajavi | Aalto University | siavash.khajavi@aalto.fi
Zixuan Liu | Tulane University | zliu41@tulane.edu

Testing and Implementing Technology-Based Interventions to Address Mental Health and Substance Use
Jordan Braciszewski | Henry Ford Health | jbracis1@hfhs.org
Beth Bock | Alpert Medical School, Brown University | Beth_Bock@Brown.edu

Achieving Digital Transformation
Elaine Mosconi | Université de Sherbrooke | elaine.mosconi@usherbrooke.ca
Abayomi Baiyere | Queen’s University | baiyere@queensu.ca
Lauri Wessel | European University Viadrina Frankfurt | wessel@europa-uni.de

AI Ecosystems: Assistants, Agents and Platforms
Rainer Schmidt | Munich University of Applied Sciences | rainer.schmidt@hm.edu
Rainer Alt | Leipzig University | rainer.alt@uni-leipzig.de
Alfred Zimmermann | Reutlingen University | alfred.zimmermann@reutlingen-university.de

AI, Emotions, Empathy, and Explainability
Reza Vaezi | Kennesaw State University | svaezi@kennesaw.edu
Maryam Ghasemaghaei | McMaster University | ghasemm@mcmaster.ca
Mohsen Jozani | Augusta University | mjozani@augusta.edu

Circular Industrial Ecosystems: Collaborative Technologies Enabling Transparency, Resilience, and Innovation
Hendrik van der Valk | TU Dortmund University | hendrik.van-der-valk@tu-dortmund.de
Tan Gürpinar | Quinnipiac University | tan.gurpinar@quinnipiac.edu
Nick Große | TU Dortmund University | nick.grosse@tu-dortmund.de
Joachim Hunker | Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering | joachim.hunker@isst.fraunhofer.de

Crowd-Based Ecosystems: Platforms, Participation, and Policy
Nina (Ni) Huang | University of Miami | nhuang@miami.edu
Bin Gu | Boston University | bgu@bu.edu
Pei-yu Chen | Arizona State University | peiyu.chen@asu.edu
Kevin (Yili) Hong | University of Miami | khong@miami.edu

Data Ecosystems: Design, Innovation, and Impacts
Frederik Möller | TU Braunschweig | Frederik.Moeller@tu-braunschweig.de
Ilka Jussen-Lengersdorf | Fraunhofer ISST | ilka.jussen-lengersdorf@isst.fraunhofer.de
Thorsten Schoormann | Roskilde University | tschoormann@ruc.dk
Gero Strobel | University of Duisburg-Essen | Gero.Strobel@paluno.uni-due.de

Digital Supply Chains: Technologies, Resilience and Sustainability
Alexander Pflaum | Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg | alexander.pflaum@uni-bamberg.de
Günter Prockl | Copenhagen-Business-School | gp.digi@cbs.dk
Freimut Bodendorf | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | freimut.bodendorf@fau.de
Haozhe Chen | Iowa-State-University | hzchen@iastate.edu

Piotr Siuda | Kazimierz Wielki University | piotr.siuda@ukw.edu.pl
David P. Hedlund | St. John’s University | hedlundd@stjohns.edu
Emma Witkowski | RMIT University | emma.witkowski@rmit.edu.au
Lindsey Darvin | Syracuse University | ledarvin@syr.edu

Generative AI for Organizational, Societal, and Emotional Relationships and Partnerships
Frank Bodendorf | Research and Innovation Center BMW Group Headquarters Germany | frank.BF.bodendorf@bmw.de
Thomas Kude | University of Bamberg | thomas.kude@uni-bamberg.de

Governing the Digital Commons
Madelyn Rose Sanfilippo | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | madelyns@illinois.edu
Brett M Frischmann | Villanova University | brett.frischmann@law.villanova.edu
Michael J Madison | University of Pittsburgh | madison@pitt.edu
Katherine J Strandburg | New York University | katherine.strandburg@nyu.edu

Hospitality and Tourism in a Global Digital Economy – New Models, Services, and Performance
Karin Högberg | University West and Griffith University | karin.hogberg@hv.se
Ulrike Gretzel | University of Southern California | ugretzel@gmail.com

Human-Computer Interaction
Christoph Schneider | IESE Business School | cschneider@iese.edu
Joe Valacich | University of Arizona | valacich@arizona.edu
Jeffrey Jenkins | Brigham Young University | jeffrey_jenkins@byu.edu
Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah | Singapore Management University | fionanah@smu.edu.sg

Human-Like Conversational Agents: Chatbots, Digital Humans, and Virtual Influencers
Lingyao Yuan | Iowa State University | lyuan@iastate.edu
Mike Seymour | University of Sydney | mike.seymour@sydney.edu.au
A. Benedikt Brendel | Indiana University | alfbrend@iu.edu

ICTs and AI: Adoption, Diffusion, and Societal Impacts
Jyoti Choudrie | University of Hertfordshire | j.choudrie@herts.ac.uk
Sherah Kurnia | University of Melbourne | sherahk@unimelb.edu.au
David Sundaram | University of Auckland | d.sundaram@auckland.ac.nz

Information Systems in the Regulatory Landscape
Christian Kurtz | University of Hamburg | christian.kurtz@uni-hamburg.de
Fabian Burmeister | University of Hamburg | fabian.burmeister@uni-hamburg.de
Tobias Mast | Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut | t.mast@leibniz-hbi.de
Niva Elkin-Koren | Tel Aviv University | elkiniva@tauex.tau.ac.il

IS Security and Privacy
Merrill Warkentin | Mississippi State University | m.warkentin@msstate.edu
Karen Renaud | Strathclyde University | karen.renaud@strath.ac.uk
Allen Johnston | University of Alabama | acjohnston5@ua.edu
Anthony Vance | Virginia Tech | Anthony@Vance.name

Metaverse for Work and Play
Ersin Dincelli | University of Colorado Denver | ersin.dincelli@ucdenver.edu
Merrill Warkentin | Mississippi State University | m.warkentin@msstate.edu
Ayoung Suh | Sungkyunkwan University | aysuh@skku.edu
Paul Benjamin Lowry | Virginia Tech | Paul.Lowry.PhD@VT.edu

Personalization and Consumer Behavior in Digital Marketing
Hope Schau | University of California Irvine | schauh@uci.edu
Melissa Akaka | University of Denver | melissa.akaka@du.edu
Martin Key | University of Colorado, Colorado Springs | tmkey@ucss.edu

Socio-Economic Impacts of AI and Algorithmic Systems
Zhongju (John) Zhang | Arizona State University | zhongju.zhang@asu.edu

AI Assistants and Generative AI for Knowledge Creation, Retention, and Use
Alina Bockshecker | University of Hagen | alina.bockshecker@fernuni-hagen.de
Pierre Hadaya | Université du Québec à Montréal | hadaya.pierre@uqam.ca
Stefan Smolnik | University of Hagen | stefan.smolnik@fernuni-hagen.de

Artificial Intelligence in Knowledge Management
Abraham Abby Sen | West Texas A&M University | aabbysen@wtamu.edu
Jeen Mariam Joy | Virginia Commonwealth University | joyj2@vcu.edu

Computing Education
Wilk Oliveira | Tampere University | wilk.oliveira@tuni.fi
Pasqueline Dantas Scaico | Federal University of Paraíba | pasqueline@dcx.ufpb.br
Mirka Saarela | University of Jyväskylä | mirka.saarela@jyu.fi

EdTech and Emerging Technologies
Gaurav Shekhar | University of Texas at Dallas | gaurav.shekhar@utdallas.edu
Deepak Khazanchi | University of Nebraska at Omaha | khazanchi@unomaha.edu

Entrepreneurship and Emerging Technologies
John Sebesta | University of Denver | john.sebesta@du.edu
Hope Schau | University of California Irvine | schauh@uci.edu
Melissa Akaka | University of Denver | Melissa.Akaka@du.edu
Martin Key | University of Colorado, Colorado Springs | tmkey@ucss.edu

Future and KM: The Future of Knowledge Management – Futuring and Design in Knowledge Management
Alexander Kaiser | Vienna University of Economics and Business | alexander.kaiser@wu.ac.at
Ernst Wageneder | Vienna University of Economics and Business and Archdiocese Salzburg | Ernst.wageneder@eds.at
Florian Kragulj | Vienna University of Economics and Business | florian.kragulj@wu.ac.at

Game-based Learning
Wilk Oliveira | Tampere University | wilk.oliveira@tuni.fi
Samuli Laato | University of Turku | samuli.laato@utu.fi
Juho Hamari | Tampere University | juho.hamari@tuni.fi

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
Minna Rollins | University of West Georgia | mrollins@westga.edu
Xin Zhao | University of Manchester | skye.zhao@manchester.ac.uk
Marco Carratù | University of Salerno | mcarratu@unisa.it
Irida Shallari | Mid Sweden University | Irida.Shallari@miun.se+P130

Impact of Knowledge and AI Systems
Stefan Smolnik | University of Hagen | stefan.smolnik@fernuni-hagen.de
David Croasdell | University of Nevada, Reno | davec@unr.edu
Murray Jennex | West Texas A&M University | mjennex@wtamu.edu

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
Sadan Kulturel-Konak | Pennsylvania State University – Berks | sxk70@psu.edu
Cesar Bandera | New Jersey Institute of Technology | bandera@njit.edu
Katia Passerini | Seton Hall University | katia.passerini@shu.edu
Michael Bartolacci | Pennsylvania State University – Berks | mrb24@psu.edu

Intelligent Agents in Education and Training
Sang Suh | Texas A&M University-Commerce | Sang.Suh@tamuc.edu

Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange
Clare Morton | Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific | clare.e.morton.civ@us.navy.mil
Paul Shigley | Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific | paul.r.shigley.civ@us.navy.mil
Mika Yasouka | Roskilde University | mikaj@ruc.dk

Potentials and Risks of Artificial Intelligence for Researchers
Stefan Stieglitz | University of Potsdam | stefan.stieglitz@uni-potsdam.de
Shahper Richter | University of Auckland | shahper.richter@auckland.ac.nz
Alexander Richter | Victoria University of Wellington | alex.richter@vuw.ac.nz
Till Schirrmeister | University of Potsdam | till.schirrmeister@uni-potsdam.de

Push for Responsible Knowledge Management in Organizations from a Resilience Perspective
Susanne Durst | LUT University and Reykjavik University | susanned@ru.is
Aino Kianto | LUT University | Aino.Kianto@lut.fi
Ilona Toth | LUT University | Ilona.Toth@lut.fi
Maral Amanova | LUT University | Maral.Amanova@lut.fi

Technical, Socio-Economic, and Ethical Aspects of AI
Yibai Li | University of Scranton | yibai.li@scranton.edu
Zhenghui Sha | University of Texas at Austin | zsha@austin.utexas.edu
Zhiye Jin | Marywood University and millionminds.co | zjin@m.marywood.edu

Advances in Design Science Research
Tuure Tuunanen | University of Jyväskylä | tuure@tuunanen.fi
Matti Rossi | Aalto University | matti.rossi@aalto.fi
Richard Baskerville | Georgia State University | baskerville@gsu.edu

Advances in Digital Technologies and Vulnerabilities: New Openings in Trust, Power, and Complacency
Sirkka Jarvenpaa | University of Texas at Austin | sirkka.jarvenpaa@mccombs.utexas.edu
Gene Alarcon | Airforce Research Laboratory Airman Systems Directory | gene.alarcon.1@us.af.mil
Kirsimarja Blomqvist | LUT University | Kirsimarja.blomqvist@lut.fi
Gorkem Turgut Ozer | University of New Hampshire | gt.ozer@unh.edu

AI and Emerging Workforce Competencies
Ulrika Lundh Snis | University West | ulrika.snis@hv.se
Livia Norström | University West | livia.norstrom@hv.se
Helena Vallo Hult | University West | helena.vallo-hult@hv.se
Fatemeh Saadatmand | University West | fatemeh.saadatmand@hv.se

AI, Organizing, and Management
Aron Lindberg | Stevens Institute of Technology | aron.lindberg@stevens.edu
Stefan Seidel | University of Cologne | stefan.seidel@uni.li
Jeffrey Saltz | Syracuse University | jsaltz@syr.edu
Jeffrey Nickerson | Stevens Institute of Technology | jnickers@stevens.edu

Blockchain: Enabling Decentralized Innovation
Soulla Louca | University of Nicosia | louca.s@unic.ac.cy
Roman Beck | Bentley University | romanbeck@bentley.edu
Christos Makridis | University of Nicosia | makridis.c@unic.ac.cy

Business Process Technology
Henrik Leopold | Kühne Logistics University | henrik.leopold@klu.org
Carl Corea | University of Koblenz | ccorea@uni-koblenz.de
Benoit Depaire | Hasselt University | benoit.depaire@uhasselt.be

Dark Sides and Criminal Uses of Digital and Intelligent Technologies
Hamed Qahri-Saremi | Colorado State University | Hamed.Qahri-Saremi@colostate.edu
Ofir Turel | University of Melbourne | oturel@unimelb.edu.au
Isaac Vaghefi | Baruch College, City University of New York | isaac.vaghefi@baruch.cuny.edu
Piotr Siuda | Kazimierz Wielki University | piotr.siuda@ukw.edu.pl

Data Analytics, Strategic Leadership, and Value Creation
Jee Hae Lim | University of Hawaii, Manoa | jeehae@hawaii.edu
Tu Xu | Renmin University of China | xutu@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn

Data Regulation, Digital Compliance, and Platform Governance in the Era of Data-driven and AI-enabled Technologies
Rickard Lindgren | University of Gothenburg | rikard.lindgren@ait.gu.se
Fatemeh Saadatmand | University West | fatemeh.saadatmand@hv.se

Data-driven Organizations: Creating Business Value with Analytics and Modern Data Management
Barbara Dinter | Chemnitz University of Technology | barbara.dinter@wirtschaft.tu-chemnitz.de
Sule Balkan | Ameriprise Financial | balkansule@gmail.com
Hippolyte Lefebvre | University of Lausanne | hippolyte.lefebvre@unil.ch
Roland Mueller | Berlin School of Economics and Law | roland.mueller@hwr-berlin.de

Digital Innovation, Transformation, and Entrepreneurship
Julian Lehmann | Arizona State University | j.lehmann@asu.edu
Nicholas Berente | University of Notre Dame | nberente@nd.edu
Kalle Lyytinen | Case Western Reserve University | kjl13@case.edu

Digital Transformations of Business Operations
Abraham Seidmann | Boston University | AVIS@bu.edu
Yabing Jiang | Florida Gulf Coast University | yjiang@fgcu.edu
Jie Zhang | University of Texas at Arlington | jiezhang@uta.edu

Futuring and Future Epistemologies in IS
Dirk Hovorka | University of Sydney | dirk.hovorka@sydney.edu.au
Katja Thoring | Technical University of Munich | katja.thoring@tum.de
Benjamin Mueller | University of Bremen | muellerb@uni-bremen.de

Human Flourishing in the Digital Age
Lena Hylving | University of Oslo | lenaandr@uio.no
Dina Koutsikouri | University of Gothenburg | dina.koutsikouri@ait.gu.se
Tina Blegind Jensen | Copenhagen Business School | tbj.digi@cbs.dk

Human-in-the-Loop Hybrid Augmented Intelligence Systems
Souren Paul | Drexel University | souren.paul@gmail.com
Alex Kass | Accenture Labs | alex.kass@accenture.com
Himadri Mukherjee | AILABS | himadri@ailabs.finance
Alexander Dennis | Iowa State University | asdennis@iastate.edu

Integrated Enterprise – Information Systems Research on Process, Enterprise-, Ecosystem- & Industry-Level
Robert Winter | University of St.Gallen | robert.winter@unisg.ch
Benedict Bender | University of Potsdam | Benedict.Bender@uni-potsdam.de
Pamela Schmidt | Washburn University | pamela.schmidt@washburn.edu
Sathya Narasimhan | Google | nsathya@google.com

IT Governance and its Mechanisms
Steven De Haes | University of Antwerp and Antwerp Management School | steven.dehaes@uantwerpen.be
Tim Huygh | Open Universiteit | tim.huygh@ou.nl
Anant Joshi | Maastricht University | a.joshi@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Managing Platforms and Ecosystems
Hannes Rothe | University of Duisburg-Essen | hannes.rothe@ris.uni-due.de
Vladimir Sobota | TU Delft | V.C.M.Sobota@tudelft.nl
Jukka Huhtamäki | Tampere University | jukka.huhtamaki@tuni.fi
Kaisa Still | University of Oulu | kaisa.still@oulu.fi

Organizational Cybersecurity: Advanced Cyber Defense, Cyber Analytics, and Security Operations
Morgan Shepherd | University of Colorado at Colorado Springs | mshepher@uccs.edu
David Kocsis | University of Colorado at Colorado Springs | dkocsis@uccs.edu
Daniel Conte De Leon | University of Idaho | dcontedeleon@uidaho.edu
Sandeep Suntwal | University of Colorado at Colorado Springs | ssuntwal@uccs.edu

Practice-based IS Research
Bill Kettinger | Clemson University | wkttngr@clemson.edu
Gabe Piccoli | Louisiana State University | gpiccoli@lsu.edu
Michael Milovich | Rowan University | milovich@rowan.edu
Joaquin Rodriguez | Grenoble Ecole de Management | joaquin.rodriguez@grenoble-em.com

Socio-Technical Issues in Organizational Information Technologies
Dragos Vieru | TELUQ University | dragos.vieru@teluq.ca
Simeon Vidolov | University of Galway | simeon.vidolov@universityofgalway.ie
Albert Plugge | Nyenrode Business University | a.plugge@nyenrode.nl
Nura Jabagi | Laval University | nura.jabagi@fsa.ulaval.ca

Special Topics in Organizational Systems & Technology
Jim Ryan | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | jryan@wpi.edu
Christopher Califf | Western Washington University | califfc@wwu.edu

Sustainable and Trustworthy Digital and Data Ecosystems for Societal Transformation
Anastasija Nikiforova | University of Tartu | nikiforova.anastasija@gmail.com
Daniel Staegemann | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg | daniel.staegemann@ovgu.de
Asif Gill | University of Technology Sydney | Asif.Gill@uts.edu.au

Technological, Educational, and Organizational Impacts of Global Crises
Dawn Owens | University of Texas at Dallas | dawn.owens@utdallas.edu
Deepak Khazanchi | University of Nebraska at Omaha | khazanchi@unomaha.edu

Advances in Software Resilience: New Frontiers in Testing, Verification, Compliance, and Fault-Tolerance Mechanisms
Ryan Karl | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | rmkarl@sei.cmu.edu
Shen Zhang | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | szhang@sei.cmu.edu
Yash Hindka | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | yhindka@sei.cmu.edu
Carmen Quatman | Ohio State University | Carmen.Quatman@osumc.edu

Advancing Software Resilience in the Age of LLM – Testing, Quality Assurance, and Metrics for Robust Engineering
Philipp Zech | University of Innsbruck | philipp.zech@uibk.ac.at
Irdin Pekaric | University of Liechtenstein | irdin.pekaric@uni.li
Katinka Wolter | Free University Berlin | katinka.wolter@fu-berlin.de
Tom Mattson | University of Richmond | tmattson@richmond.edu

AI-Driven Program Analysis and Software Synthesis: Transforming Modern Software Engineering
Ryan Karl | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | rmkarl@sei.cmu.edu
Shen Zhang | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | szhang@sei.cmu.edu
Yash Hindka | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | yhindka@sei.cmu.edu

AI-Powered Cyber Attacks and Countermeasures
Junggab Son | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | junggab.son@unlv.edu
Zuobin Xiong | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | zuobin.xiong@unlv.edu

Artificial Intelligence Security: Ensuring Safety, Trustworthiness, and Responsibility in AI Systems
Tyson Brooks | National Security Agency and Syracuse University | ttbrooks@syr.edu
Shiu-Kai Chin | Syracuse University | skchin@syr.edu
William Young | Syracuse University | weyoung@syr.edu
Erich Devendorf | Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate | erich.devendorf.1@us.af.mil

Cyber Security, Operations, Defense, and Forensics
William Glisson | Louisiana Tech University | glisson@latech.edu
Todd McDonald | University of South Alabama | jtmcdonald@southalabama.edu
George Grispos | University of Nebraska at Omaha | ggrispos@unomaha.edu

Cybersecurity and Software Assurance
Luanne Chamberlain | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab | luanne.chamberlain@jhuapl.edu
Thomas Llansó | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab | thomas.llanso@jhuapl.edu
Richard George | Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab | richard.george@jhuapl.edu

Emerging Tech: Generative AI and Affective Computing
Johnny Chan | University of Auckland | jh.chan@auckland.ac.nz
Brice Valentin Kok-Shun | University of Auckland | brice.kok.shun@auckland.ac.nz
David Sundaram | University of Auckland | d.sundaram@auckland.ac.nz
Ghazwan Hassna | Hawaii Pacific University | ghassna@hpu.edu

Games for Impact
Aslihan Tece Bayrak | Media Design School | tece.bayrak@mediadesignschool.com
Dan Staines | Torrens University Australia | daniel.staines@torrens.edu.au

Generative AI in IS Research and Education: Opportunities and Challenges
Nargess Tahmasbi | Penn State University | nvt5061@psu.edu
Elham Rastegari | Creighton University | elhamrastegari@creighton.edu
Aaron French | Kennesaw State University | afrenc20@kennesaw.edu
Guohou Shan | Northeastern University | g.shan@northeastern.edu

Impact of AI on Software Engineering
Stefan Wittek | Clausthal University of Technology | stefan.wittek@tu-clausthal.de
Peter Salhofer | FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences | peter.salhofer@fh-joanneum.at
Sandra Gesing | San Diego Supercomputer Center | sgesing@ucsd.edu

Intelligent Edge Computing
Trevor Bihl | Air Force Research Laboratory | trevor.bihl@gmail.com
Radmila Juric | ALMAIS Consultancy | radjur3@gmail.com
Elisabetta Ronchieri | INFN CNAF | elisabetta.ronchieri@cnaf.infn.it
Filippo Sanfilippo | University of Agder | Filippo.Sanfilippo@uia.no

Real-Time Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems
Tero Vartiainen | University of Vaasa | tero.vartiainen@uwasa.fi
Mike Mekkanen | University of Vaasa | mike.mekkanen@uwasa.fi
Eric Veith | OFFIS | eric.veith@offis.de
Jirapa Kamsamrong | OFFIS | jirapa.kamsamrong@offis.de

Security and Privacy Aspects of Human-Computer-Interactions
Tobias Fertig | Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt | tobias.fertig@thws.de
Nicholas Müller | Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt | nicholas.mueller@thws.de
Paul Rosenthal | University of Rostock | paul.rosenthal@uni-rostock.de

Software Sustainability: Research on Usability, Maintainability, and Reproducibility
Maytal Dahan | Texas Advanced Computing Center | maytal@tacc.utexas.edu
Joe Stubbs | Texas Advanced Computing Center | jstubbs@tacc.utexas.edu
Sandra Gesing | San Diego Supercomputer Center | sgesing@ucsd.edu

Software Technology and Software Development
Tim A. Majchryak | University of Agder | tmaj@ieee.org
Tor-Morten Grønli | Kristiania University College | tor-morten.gronli@kristiania.no
Hermann Kaindl | TU Wien | kaindl@ict.tuwien.ac.at

Tools and Processes for Enabling Agile Projects, Teams, and Organizations
Jeffrey Saltz | Syracuse University | jsaltz@syr.edu
Viktoria Stray | University of Oslo | stray@ifi.uio.no
Edward Anderson | University of Texas at Austin | Edward.Anderson@mccombs.utexas.edu
Alex Sutherland | Scrum, Inc. | alex.sutherland@scruminc.com

Transformative Research in Computing: 1950-2010
William Yeager | Knowledge Systems Lab, Stanford University, Retired | byeager@fastmail.fm
Jean-Henry Morin | University of Geneva | jean-Henry.morin@unige.ch

Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Line Pouchard | Sandia National Laboratories | lcpouch@sandia.gov
Peter Salhofer | FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences | peter.salhofer@fh-joanneum.at
Derek Freeman Desantis | Los Alamos National Laboratory | ddesantis@lanl.gov

Verifying Trustworthiness of Cyber-Physical Systems in the Context of Autonomous Systems with AI-enabled Software
Sriprakash Sarathy | Northrop Grumman | sriprakash.sarathy@ngc.com
Tyson Brooks | National Security Agency and Syracuse University | ttbrooks@syr.edu
Shiu-Kai Chin | Syracuse University | skchin@syr.edu
Mohammad Al Faruque | University of California Irvine | alfaruqu@uci.edu

AI and Digital Discrimination
Sara Moussawi | Carnegie Mellon University | sara7@cmu.edu
Jason Kuruzovich | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | kuruzj@rpi.edu
Minoo Modaresnezhad | University of North Carolina Wilmington | modaresm@uncw.edu

Bright and Dark Side of Social Media in Marginalized Contexts
Jie Ren | Fordham University | jren11@fordham.edu
Tom Mattson | University of Richmond | tmattson@richmond.edu
Qin Weng | Baylor University | qin_weng@baylor.edu

Changing Nature of Work – More Inclusive Labor Markets and Work Practices through Digital Transformation
Joseph Taylor | California State University, Sacramento | joseph.taylor@csus.edu
Lauri Wessel | European University Viadrina Frankfurt | wessel@europa-uni.de
Phoebe Pahng | California State University, Sacramento | phoebe.pahng@csus.edu

Design Justice and Values in Design
Christine Toh | University of Nebraska at Omaha | ctoh@unomaha.edu
Jaime Snyder | University of Washington | jas1208@uw.edu
Andrea Grover | University of Nebraska at Omaha | andreagrover@unomaha.edu
Sita Syal | University of Michigan | syalsm@umich.edu
Julia Kramer | University of Michigan | kramerju@umich.edu

Digital Democracy and Social Cohesion
Jonas Fegert | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | fegert@fzi.de
Olga Slivko | Erasmus University Rotterdam | slivko@rsm.nl
Stefan Stieglitz | University of Potsdam | stefan.stieglitz@uni-potsdam.de
Christof Weinhardt | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | weinhardt@kit.edu

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Technology and Organization
Ester Gonzalez | California State University, Fullerton | esgonzalez@fullerton.edu
Sam Zaza | Middle Tennessee State University | sam.zaza@mtsu.edu
Angsana Techatassanasoontorn | Auckland University of Technology | angsana@aut.ac.nz

From Digital Divide to Digital Literacy, Equity, and Inclusion
Mega Subramaniam | University of Maryland | mmsubram@umd.edu
Israr Qureshi | Australian National University | israr.qureshi@anu.edu.au
Shanton Chang | University of Melbourne | shanton.chang@unimelb.edu.au

Future of STEM Education and Workforce Development: Broadening Participation
Nancy Deng | California State University, Dominguez Hills | ndeng@csudh.edu
Calvin M.L. Chan | Singapore University of Social Sciences | calvinchanml@suss.edu.sg

Gender and Technology
Regina Connolly | Dublin City University | Regina.Connolly@dcu.ie
Mina Jafarijoo | Stockton University | mina.jafarijoo@stockton.edu
Cliona McParland | Dublin City University | cliona.mcparland@dcu.ie

ICT and Social Justice
Andrew Park | University of Victoria | apark1@uvic.ca
Jan Kietzmann | University of Victoria | jkietzma@uvic.ca
Jayson Killoran | Queen’s University and Oregon State University | j.killoran@queensu.ca

ICT, Criminal Activity, and the Administration of Justice
Carlos Torres | Baylor University | carlos_torres@baylor.edu
Michael Dinger | Baylor University | michael_dinger@baylor.edu
Christine Dugoin-Clement |  Sorbonne Business School |  christine.dugoin-clement@iae.pantheonsorbonne.fr

Inclusive AI for an Empowered Society
Susanne Durst | Reykjavik University | susanned@ru.is
Jacques Yana Mbena | Society for Inclusive and Collaborative Entrepreneurship | yanajacques@yahoo.fr

Learning Divide: AI, Human Intelligence, and Linguistic Justice
K.D. Joshi | University of Nevada Reno | kjoshi@unr.edu
Nancy Deng | California State University, Dominguez Hills | ndeng@csudh.edu

Neurodiversity at the Core: Rethinking Digitalized Environments and AI for Experiential Pluralism
Maylis Saigot | University of Queensland | m.saigot@uq.edu.au
Rob Gleasure | Copenhagen Business School | rg.digi@cbs.dk
Elizabeth White Baker | Virginia Commonwealth University | bakerew@vcu.edu
Oyebisi Oladeji | Kennesaw State University | ooladej3@kennesaw.edu

Polarization and DEI on Digital Platforms and Ecosystems
Jaigris Hodson | Royal Roads University | jaigris.hodson@royalroads.ca
Victoria O’Meara | University of Leicester | vjom1@leicester.ac.uk
Esteban Morales-Velasquez | University of Groningen | e.morales.velasquez@rug.nl
Shandell Houlden | Royal Roads University | Shandell.Houlden@RoyalRoads.ca

Responsible Approaches to Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and FinTech
Yibai Li | University of Scranton | yibai.li@scranton.edu
Kaiguo Zhou | Capital University of Economics and Business | zhoukg@cueb.edu.cn
Wanli Liu | Guangzhou Xinhua College | liuwlariel@xhsysu.edu.cn